Sæll og blessaður (Hello and blessings to you)! This is a greeting I often here within family gatherings. I am told it would be strange to use this warm greeting on someone you are meeting for the first time or don´t really know well.
Today another licking fanatic santa is in town. His name is Pottasleikir or translation to Pot-licker. When he is in town he searches for uncleaned pots and licks any leftover food. If you think about it though, these yule lads may be doing us a favor. That is less scrubbing we have to do to get the food off. I have to mention that he decided to have a sense of humor and leave me a whoopi cushion to play with as my gift. I love it! haha. I think the best gifts are funny or sentimental (I´m not saying a whoopi cushion is that but you know what I mean) and not always expensive. Remember that as you are thinking about what to get for everyone.
I have looked ahead into the santas and they get funnier but tomorrows (yet another lad who likes to lick), todays and yesterdays lickers...well, I find their stories lack luster in scarying little children. I do see how future Santas can seem scary so I´m looking forward to that. I might run into the next Santa as he visits since I will be coming home in the early hours of Saturday. Tonight is a Christmas party at Læknagarður where I do my work. There will be hangikjöt (mentioned the other day), Christmas punch, beer, sweet desserts and a competition between laboratories--you can cheer for the lab I am in (Áfram Rannsóknastofa í Krabbameinsfræðum--Let´s GO Cancer Research Laboratory). I cannot share any information on the competition but just know our idea is smart ;) Thanks so much for all the followers since I´ve started! If the new template and background are affecting your viewing pleasure, please comment so I can make adjustments.
I LOVE the new layout! =) And seriously, I need these lickers in my house, haha!!