Gleðilega hátið (Happy Holidays in Icelandic)!
The days are getting so short! Literally! Today Iceland will see a mere 4ish hours of sunglight (that includes dusk and dawn) if it isn´t cloudy but in true Icelandic fashion...it most likely will be.
On a positive note...Today I am sharing about a woman, if you can call her that. She´s a frightening, some versions say she´s dead, creature that lives in the mountains with her 3rd husband Leppalúði (where the first 2 arranged? I mean no offense but look at that picture) and her 13 sons (the yule lads). So the 13 Santa´s mother is a zombie troll? I´m not making this up :) If you are a bad little boy or girl then you better watch out because Grýla will come looking for you and snatch you up then eat you! Yes I´m being serious. A zombie woman/creature will come and get you so it´s best to behave well throughout the year. That is a scary story to tell children around Christmas but apparently it works. So, if you have a child and he/she isn´t behaving perhaps you could share this little tidbit with them and say she´ll make a special trip from Iceland! Happy Saturday everyone :)
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