Thanks everyone for letting me call in sick yesterday! I am dealing with a very bad cold and struggled today to find the energy to get everything done. I will share two Santas with you today. The one that came yesterday and today´s.
Yesterday, was a noisy little lad. His name is Hurðaskellir (Door-slammer). Now this is a troll that I would find scary. He is always slamming doors, often repeatedly, and waking people. Could you imagine being a little kid and in the middle of the night a trollish lad is slamming doors? That would freak me out. At least this one doesn´t steal anything. That´s a change from his brothers.
Then there is today´s Santa and his name is Skyrgámur (Curd Glutton). He loves a popular diary product called skyr which I didn´t know until today is milk curd apparently. Despite how that sounds, I can say skyr is DELICIOUS! If or when I move back to the States, that is one thing I will surely miss. I think it´s similar to greek yogurt though. Back to topic. This Santa will eat all the skyr out of your fridge and leave the tubs behind. Sounds rude to me. I don´t think their parents have taught them manners from what I see so far, but what do you really expect from trolls and boogeyman type santas. FYI this santa brought me a heart shaped old-time looking alarm clock. I guess he read my blog about oversleeping too much this time of the year!!
I hope you find this blog enjoyable. Only 5 more yule lads to visit. Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling much better and can teach you even more about Christmas in Iceland.
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